everStick C&B – for aesthetic crowns and bridges
- hybrid bridges
- inlays and hybrid bridges
- full crowns and bridges
- temporary bridges
Available packaging: everStick C&B fiber 1 x 8 cm.
Fiber-reinforced materials and the glass fibers themselves are widely used, they are used for splinting teeth, making orthodontic appliances, in root canal treatment as modeled crown-root inlays, in prosthetics to strengthen movable parts of dentures, and above all in temporary composite crowns and bridges and constants.
Very wide areas of application of fibers are possible thanks to their unique features such as aesthetics (white or transparent), durability and resistance to damage , the possibility of adjusting them through their versatility, flexibility, comfort of work for the doctor and the comfort of use for the patient. Glass fibers allow physicians to use minimally invasive dentistry, where special care is taken to keep the patient’s healthy tooth tissues intact or only minimally damaged for as long as possible and use reversible dental procedures.
Indications for the use of glass fibers:
- full and partial dentures
- repair of dentures
- removable orthodontic appliances
- ultimate composite bridges
- transitional bridges created during the healing of the implantological substrate
- adhesive bridges and inlay bridges
- connected bridges
- temporary bridges
- composite crowns and veneers
- temporary crowns
- splinting due to loosening of the teeth
- traumatic splinting
- crown-root inlays
- Cost saving
- Resilience
- No metal
- Ease of use
- High aesthetics
- Compatible with most composites available today
Clinical Benefits
- Reliability of the structure
- Minimal invasiveness to the patient’s tissues
- Minimal ecological risk
- Minimal biological risk
- Minimal patient stress related to treatment
- Prevention
- Direct techniques
- Aesthetics
EverStick® products should always be stored in a refrigerator (2-8 ° C) . EverStick® products should be protected from light by placing them in sealed packages immediately after use. Increased temperature and exposure to harsh light can shorten the life of everStick® products. Note: Heat and bright light will polymerize (cure) the product prematurely. Unopened and stored in accordance with the instructions, the product is ready for use by the date shown on the sticker, 2 years from the date of production.
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