Directions for use:
Using the X-ray image, select the correct size FibreKleer or FibreKor cutter, and determine the exact depth to which you can insert the FibreKleer cartridge.
On the selected cutter, place the stop adequately to the depth to avoid the risk of too deep preparation for the post. Remember to leave the root canal filling – resilon or gutta-percha – at the apex of at least 4mm.
Using Gates-Glidden or Peeso Reamers, remove the Resilon or gutta-percha from the canal, leaving at least 4mm at the apex.
Complete the preparation with FibreKleer or FibreKor cutters.
Rinse the canal to remove debris and dry with air and paper points.
Try on the FibreKleer cartridge that matches the size of the cutter you are using. An X-ray can be taken to make sure the cartridge is well positioned.
The FibreKleer insert should be cut using diamond drill bits for the turbine, remembering to cool it with water or a diamond disc. Cutting parallel FibreKleer posts should be done from the apex to maintain the properties of the head. FibreKleer lead inserts should be trimmed from the occlusal side to preserve the apical lead.
Clean the cartridge with alcohol, dry it with a blast of air
Etch the canal with 37% phosphoric acid for 20 seconds
Rinse the canal thoroughly and dry with paper points. Leave the dentin slightly damp
Introduce Bond-1 Primer / Adhesive into the canal using a syringe or micro brush. If a micro brush is used, double or multiple applications may be required. Gently air dry the channel and use paper points to remove excess resin from the channel. Do not cure with light.
For cementation, you can use: Cement-It Universal C&B, Lute-It or Build-It FR. Cement-It and Build-It come in double syringes with self-mixing tips, Lute-It – you have to mix the base with the catalyst by hand. After mixing the selected material, cover the canal walls with the Lentulo spiral.
Also cover the inserts with the selected cement and place in the canal, pressing it gently with your fingers, allowing the excess cement to drain out.
Remove excess cement with plastic instruments.
Initiate the setting of the dual-curing cement with light for 10 seconds. Cement-It Universal C&B, Lute-It, or Build-It FR will cure completely after 4 minutes.
Using Build-It matrices or a celluloid strip, build up the core with Build-It FR.
Work the hardened material with diamonds and carbide drills to the final shape for the crown.
Available sizes:
Tapered Drill 1.25mm
Tapered Drill 1,375mm
Tapered Drill 1.50mm
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