Kromopan is an alginate for flexible impressions with a chromatic work indicator (color change from purple – mixing, through pink – put on a spoon, up to white – put in the mouth). Kromopan does not contain lead or any heavy metals. The impression casting time is 100 hours.
Important information: Thanks to Kromopan, the dentist has over 100 hours at his disposal to make a plaster cast of the impression taken; 100 hours, which can be very valuable for other commitments that require the necessary distraction. After removal from the mouth, the impression must be washed and rinsed; shaken off and stored in a plastic bag without any additives. Do not hold your impression in the air or in water. By following these simple indications, the impression, even after 100 hours, will have the same excellent characteristics as Kromopan’s composition ensures absolute dimensional stability over time.
Chromatic color toning facilitates and adds precision to the impression, clearly and clearly showing the various phases of the work; any changes in the ambient temperature as well as the humidity will not have any effect, because the color appears at the right moment, and thanks to Personal Krono, the working time can be adjusted by the dentist according to his own needs or in the event that the temperature increase, for example during hot months, remains shortened.
Kromopan is a Class A alginate with a chromatic phase indicator. Color toning automatically indicates the various phases of work (mixing, placing on the impression tray, placing in the mouth) and contributes to showing the exact moment of the completed phase of both mixing and insertion into the oral cavity. The setting time is approximately one minute.
Available packaging: 450 g.
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